Set Up & Maintenance Instructions for a Pendulum Clock

Installing the Pendulum
Open the back door on the clock and locate the pendulum shaft pin. Carefully hang the pendulum on the pin. Set the clock on a level surface where it will be placed. Give the clock box a slight sideways nudge to initiate the pendulum swing.
The pendulums on our clocks have been fully adjusted prior to sale/shipping. However, if your clock is running too slow or too fast, please contact us for further instructions on adjusting the pendulum appropriately.

Setting the Time
Open the glass door on the clock. Move the minute hand only, slowly turning clockwise, stopping at every quarter hour, give or take 5 minutes. Allow the clock to complete the chimes with each stop, as applicable. Continue this sequence until you reach the current time. Gently close the glass door.

Winding the Clock
Wind the clock with its key regularly, but avoid overwinding which can affect accuracy and performance. The key will turn in one direction only, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. DO NOT force the key if it does not turn. Wind the clock spring until there is a medium to hard resistance and then stop.

Cleaning & Maintenance
Clean the clock with a soft, dry cloth to remove dust from the case and dial. Glass doors can be wiped down with a household glass cleaner.
Avoid placing the clock in direct sunlight or near sources of moisture, as this can damage the wood and internal components.
If you have to move the clock, always handle it with care by lifting gently by both sides. Avoid jarring the internal movement and chimes. It is recommended to remove the pendulum before moving the clock.